IT DIDN'T START OUT THAT WAY Book Cover Shut UP Book Cover Shut UP Book Cover Shut UP Book Cover
Redbird Studio
20860 George Hunt Circle #312
Waukesha WI 53186
This is the original "Redbird Studio" founded by Judy Bridges in 1993. Currently sponsors Judy's workshops and readings.
Redoak Writing
Director: Kim Suhr
P.O. Box 342
Genesee Depot WI 53127
The official successor to Redbird Studio. Offers writers' roundtable groups and other programs for adults and young writers.
Redbird Studio
   Founded by Judy Bridges, 1993   

Snappy Introductions

Nervous about reading your work to a group? Find yourself stuttering before you start?

You are not alone. These snappy introductions were made by otherwise confident, competent, individuals."

  1. "This is the beginning of something longer."
  2. "This is a possible first draft."
  3. "This is a little experiment. It's like an idea, okay?"
  4. "I was so sure no one would be here."
  5. "Let's just get this over with."
  6. "My thing is really stupid."
  7. "This is too long."
  8. "I didn't write for crap this week."
  9. "This is the start of something."
  10. "I hope this measures up to my usual standard of mediocrity."
  11. "This is something I wrote so I might as well read it."
  12. "This is just a continuation of something I started."
  13. "I can't seem to write, so this is just something."
  14. "I had to bring something 'cuz I wanted to come."
  15. "A word of caution about this . . ."
  16. "I'm going to read this anyway, because I wrote it."
  17. "This is half of a short story I just started writing,"
  18. "This is the first draft of the possible start, or it could appear in the middle..."


Handy Lists and Crib Sheets