Tips for Public Readings
- Invite family and friends.
- Practice tongue twisters. Practice reading to a tape recorder.
- Check timing. Run under rather than over. Cut pages rather than trying to read faster.
- Use large type. If you tend to lose your place, trace line with a light touch of your fingers. If you tend to look down for too long, type your words on the top half of the page.
- Underline points of emphasis. Use arrows to remind yourself to speed up, raise our voice, etc.
- Carry your papers in a folder. No ring binder. No stapled pages. Slide your papers from right to left (or left to right) as you read. Never flip or shuffle them.
- Wear clothing that makes you feel good.
- Do not carry a pen. Do not touch your necklace, tie, collar or glasses.
- Drink herbal tea. No alcohol. No caffeine.
- Stand squarely on both feet.
- Ignore the mike. Look at the people. Breathe.
- Act serene. Fake it if you have to.
- Use a real voice, not a sing-song poet's voice.
- Communicate with, rather than read at.
Best tips of all: - Focus on the audience, not yourself.
- Try to connect with a particular person in the back of the room.
- Focus on the main thought or emotion you want that person to get.
- Pause. Breathe.
- Show respect for your work and the audience.
Handy Lists and Crib Sheets
- On Craft: Beginners
- On Craft: Writing Scenes
- Participating in Critique Sessions
- Snappy Introductions
- Critique List
- 30 Things to Write in Thirty Minutes
- Manuscript Lengths
- Sample Format for Query or Cover Letter
- Sample Manuscript Format
Tips for Public Readings
- Writers' Affirmations