IT DIDN'T START OUT THAT WAY Book Cover Shut UP Book Cover Shut UP Book Cover Shut UP Book Cover
Redbird Studio
20860 George Hunt Circle #312
Waukesha WI 53186
This is the original "Redbird Studio" founded by Judy Bridges in 1993. Currently sponsors Judy's workshops and readings.
Redoak Writing
Director: Kim Suhr
P.O. Box 342
Genesee Depot WI 53127
The official successor to Redbird Studio. Offers writers' roundtable groups and other programs for adults and young writers.
Redbird Studio
   Founded by Judy Bridges, 1993   

30 Things to Write (or at least begin) in Less Than 30 Minutes

  1. Query letter
  2. Short profile
  3. Requests for writer’s guideline
  4. Short take - article from 200 to 400 words long
  5. Mini-review (book, movie, restaurant, etc.
  6. One-page article - 500 to 1,000 words long
  7. Mini-bio
  8. One-page op-ed piece
  9. Letter to the editor
  10. Anecdote
  11. Limerick
  12. Joke
  13. Household hint
  14. Office/writing hint
  15. One-liner
  16. Tip on how to do anything quicker/easier/cheaper
  17. Inspirational Essay
  18. Message for greeting card
  19. Phone response
  20. Recipe
  21. Product review
  22. Letters to your favorite writers, telling how much you enjoy their work
  23. Contest entry
  24. How-to: crafts, cooking, science experiments
  25. One or two paragraphs of a short story or novel
  26. A great title for your story/novel/article
  27. A thank you note to an editor who’s been helpful or encouraging
  28. An Obituary
  29. An Affirmation
  30. Your name on a book contract


Handy Lists and Crib Sheets